Includes conducting GHG accounting, creating a product LCA , analyzing companies' Net Zero strategy  proposals for various industry sectors, and strategy for Stakeholder engagement training.

Snippet from Net Zero Strategy Proposal as Tesla's Sustainability Manager

“In examining Tesla’s net zero strategy and broader mission from the 2022 Impact Report, I’ve identified a few ways emissions reduction efforts can be increased as well as some opportunities to explore in alignment with the energy economy transformation goal in Master Plan part 3. My plan includes investing into public transportation, upgrading existing buildings to meet industry-recognized green standards, and offsetting scope 3 emissions by sponsoring mining restoration.”
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"Constructing in areas with smart growth will help to eliminate urban sprawl and contribute to the reduction of emissions associated with Tesla employee transit to and from the workplace. If Tesla also contributes to the public transportation of the area with its products and cell-powers infrastructure, then that transforms that population center’s economic success and the smart growth of the area by engaging stakeholders where they live, work and entertain. This is a suggested implementation for future development; for the operational emissions reduction of existing buildings, I recommend pursuing a LEED certification of Gold or higher or a local equivalent rating system certification such as IgCC. The green building management CASBEE may be a good overseas equivalent for the factories located in China. Regulation here is crucial as the manufacturing emissions from the Chinese factories are at the highest levels."
. . . 
"One of the largest sources of Tesla’s annual emissions comes from its scope 3 category 1: Purchased goods and services. Tesla recognizing the essentiality of battery minerals sourcing is crucial. Taking steps to source responsibility by holding suppliers to high standards and incentivizing the ones that agree and follow through with more sustainable practice now only helps Tesla but helps move the minerals sourcing industry forward as well. I’d like to suggest that in addition to holding suppliers accountable, Tesla holds itself accountable in this value chain by funding and sponsoring specific and verifiable mine and excavation reclamation and restoration projects. These carbon offset projects will specifically relate to mining and minerals to offset not just the carbon emissions of our supply chain but the environmental impacts as well. This ensures that Tesla recognizes and strives to improve the impacts of mining today, and undo the damage of a past culture of excavation and prospecting."

In this project I performed manual GHG calculations sourcing CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions factors from the EPA Emissions Factor hub 2024 and based on data provided in the project guidelines.

Snippets from excel sheet:
Project Guidelines, Instructions Tab
Project Guidelines, Instructions Tab
Eco-invent NY Group SI units conversions- Eco-invent NY Tab
Eco-invent NY Group SI units conversions- Eco-invent NY Tab
Total GHG calculations for Eco-invent NY Group-  Eco-invent NY Tab
Total GHG calculations for Eco-invent NY Group- Eco-invent NY Tab
My calculations for transportation in the Emissions Factors Tab- Math and Calculations Tab
My calculations for transportation in the Emissions Factors Tab- Math and Calculations Tab

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